Conference Theme: Today's Students, Tomorrow's Entrepreneurs

Zayed University is pleased to host the Seventh Annual Conference on Undergraduate Research on Applied Computing (URC2015). The objective of this conference is to promote undergraduate research activity at educational institutions in the UAE, other Gulf countries, and the rest of the Arab world, by providing a forum for students to present their work and interact with other young researchers, faculty, and industrial leaders. Topics of interest include anything to do with computing, please see the call for papers.
In addition to student presentations and posters, the conference program will include invited presentations from academia and industry.

An article about the conference published in ACM XRDS

Join us for two full days of interactive learning about undergraduate research through keynotes, panel discussion, and oral and poster presentations...all focused on undergraduate student research experiences, challenges and accomplishments. You'll hear from leaders in the IT industry, funding agencies, and a large number of students from various countries in the Arab World. Explore the various items on this Webpage to learn more about the conference, important dates, registration and travel information, and sponsorship opportunities.

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