Call for Papers

The Eleventh Annual Conference on Undergraduate Research on Applied Computing (URC 2019) aims to provide a forum for undergraduate students to present their ideas and interact with other young researchers from educational institutions in the UAE, other GCC countries, and the rest of the Arab world, as well as expert faculty and leaders from the IT industry. So, if you are an undergraduate student working on a final year project, or doing research
in any computing field, you are encouraged to submit an abstract for a live demo, lightning talk, or poster presentation. There are three types of submissions (for live demo, lightning talk or oral presentation, poster presentation, and Special Tracks), and all submissions will be reviewed by expert faculty and feedback will be provided to all submissions. Note that this year, we are adding full paper submissions to Special Tracks and they are open for all, including researchers at all levels, graduate students, and faculty members.
Download the call for research project abstracts in PDF format. For submissions to Special Tracks, please see Special Tracks.
Lightning presentations, live demos, or poster presentations
Abtsract submissions should report on a novel application (live demo), or research project work (for lightning presentation or poster presentation) done by undergraduate students, and the first author should be an undergraduate student. Your research project can be in progress at this point but results should be available and presented at the conference. URC2019 welcomes three types of submissions:
1. Live demos: for students who are interested in presenting a live demo of an application/system/tool they have fully developed; they will be presented in front of conference participants and a judging panel.
2. Lightning presentations: students will be given 5 to 7 minutes to present their research projects in front of conference participants and a judging panel.
3. Poster presentations: students will present their research projects in a poster format that will be displayed at the conference and presented by students during special periods of time during the conference. A panel of judges will be evaluating poster presentations.
Submission Guidelines for lightning presentations, live demos, or poster presentations
All submissions must be made online at Note: If you don't already have an account, sign up for one (click on create an account) is free and it only takes 2 minutes. Once you login, create a new submission and fill out the necessary information. Please make sure you upload your MS Word (.doc or .docx) file containing the abstract. Please use this template for abstract submission.
This year we are adding the following special tracks to attract full papers from undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty members. Submissions to the following Special Tracks must be full papers (4 - 6 pages) formatted using the IEEE template. Accepted papers in the special tracks will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE eXplore digital library. The special tracks are:
All submissions must be made online at Note: If you don't already have an account, sign up for one (click on create an account) is free and it only takes 2 minutes. Once you login, create a new submission and fill out the necessary information. Please make sure you upload your MS Word (.doc or .docx) file containing the abstract. Please use this template for abstract submission.
February 17, 2019 February 28, 2019
Special Tracks
Submission Guidelines for Full Papers to Special Tracks
Conference Proceedings